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Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 9 months ago



SOMEs = Self-Organized Mediation Environments


19 November 2009



This was another bumpy session with very little carried out. But... they don't give up, which is absolutely fantastic!



[19-11-2009 9:31:04] *** Call to maim.sole, no answer. ***

[19-11-2009 9:31:42] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: hello, children! good morning from portugal!  :)

[19-11-2009 9:32:19] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: can i try calling again?

[19-11-2009 9:38:01] *** Call to maim.sole, no answer. ***

[19-11-2009 9:38:34] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: are you there, children?

[19-11-2009 9:41:40] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: hello, children!

[19-11-2009 9:42:11] *** Call to maim.sole, no answer. ***

[19-11-2009 9:45:27] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: are you there, children?

[19-11-2009 9:46:44] *** Call to maim.sole, no answer. ***

[19-11-2009 9:56:29] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: hello, children! are you around?

[19-11-2009 9:59:52] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i just checked your weather, bec i thought you might be having a storm. but the weather seems to be nice. i'll send you the picture

Teresa Almeida d'Eca

[19-11-2009 10:05:12] *** Call from maim.sole, duration 00:21. ***

[19-11-2009 10:05:28] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i'm here

[19-11-2009 10:05:37] *** Call ended ***

[19-11-2009 10:05:40] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: can you hear me?

[19-11-2009 10:05:41] *** Call from maim.sole, duration 01:37. ***

[19-11-2009 10:06:12] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i can't hear a sound form your side

[19-11-2009 10:06:18] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: can you hear and see me?

[19-11-2009 10:07:23] *** Call ended ***

[19-11-2009 10:07:24] *** Call from maim.sole, duration 21:45. ***

[19-11-2009 10:07:47] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: hello! no video now to see if things work

[19-11-2009 10:08:44] maim.sole: can you here me

[19-11-2009 10:08:51] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: no  :(

[19-11-2009 10:08:57] maim.sole: sorry

[19-11-2009 10:09:05] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: that's ok.

[19-11-2009 10:09:11] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: can you hear me?

[19-11-2009 10:09:34] maim.sole: ok five   min

[19-11-2009 10:09:44] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i'll wait

[19-11-2009 10:14:31] maim.sole: r u there

[19-11-2009 10:14:36] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: yes

[19-11-2009 10:19:12] maim.sole: we cant see u

[19-11-2009 10:19:23] maim.sole: please try

[19-11-2009 10:19:26] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: no video

[19-11-2009 10:19:28] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: ok

[19-11-2009 10:19:55] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: is my video working for you now?

[19-11-2009 10:20:05] maim.sole: no

[19-11-2009 10:20:18] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: oh dear. it's woeking here

[19-11-2009 10:20:29] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i think we should try again next week.

[19-11-2009 10:20:36] maim.sole: yes its working

[19-11-2009 10:20:40] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i feel so sorry about all these problems

[19-11-2009 10:20:46] maim.sole: i can see u

[19-11-2009 10:20:49] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: is the video working?

[19-11-2009 10:20:58] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: is sound working?

[19-11-2009 10:21:23] maim.sole: no ur sound is not working

[19-11-2009 10:21:47] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: well then, we need to try again next week. is that all right?

[19-11-2009 10:22:12] maim.sole: yes v can chat

[19-11-2009 10:23:53] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: so what have you been doing "outside" of school?

[19-11-2009 10:24:19] maim.sole: i send some file for u

[19-11-2009 10:24:31] maim.sole: of india

[19-11-2009 10:24:51] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: did you send it now? i didn't get it

[19-11-2009 10:25:00] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: can you try again. please?

[19-11-2009 10:25:17] maim.sole: s

[19-11-2009 10:26:21] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: this is the story i wanted to read today. i'm going to show the cover

[19-11-2009 10:26:55] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: it's called "simon and the spy"

[19-11-2009 10:27:13] maim.sole: ok

[19-11-2009 10:27:28] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i will read it some other time

[19-11-2009 10:27:50] maim.sole: but   y

[19-11-2009 10:27:51] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: children, i have been here an hour and i need to go. i'm so sorry

[19-11-2009 10:28:07] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: let's hope that we can chat and see one another next week  :)

[19-11-2009 10:28:23] maim.sole: (inlove)

[19-11-2009 10:28:42] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: bye-bye! see you next week!!!

[19-11-2009 10:29:04] maim.sole: (^)

[19-11-2009 10:29:07] maim.sole: (dance)

[19-11-2009 10:29:13] *** Call ended ***

[19-11-2009 10:29:14] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: nice cake! thank you!

[19-11-2009 10:29:40] maim.sole: byyy (sun)

[19-11-2009 10:29:55] maim.sole: (handshake)

[19-11-2009 11:05:01] maim.sole: yes 



My feedback to Suneeta in an email message


Dear Suneeta,
I've been trying to connect to the children for half an hour with no luck. I know that things are ok on my end of the line, because I tried connections with other people.
I even checked the weather in Hyderabad to see if there might be a storm. No. I took a screenshot and tried sending it to the children, but they didn't accept it. There must be some major problem on their side. What a shame!  :-(
I'm attaching the weather file just for curiosity.
Please let me know if there are connection problems with other mentors.
It's 10:05 and they just tried calling me. My video is working but I don't hear them and they aren't writing either. They just tried a thrid time, but nothing on their side. They don't even answer my text messages.
Now they're writing!  :-) No sound from them though. They haven't said if they hear me. They asked me to wait 5 mins.  :-)
After this, they were able to see me, but there was no sound for either side, so we stopped the session, also because I needed to go.
Hugs,   Teresa






Suneeta's reply


Dear Teresa,

As your email quite clearly shoes, its a matter of staying power! Just when we think nothing is going to happen.... it does! the steps forward are tiny ones and some times take forever in coming.

Some of the other mediators have also mentioned some difficulties at MAIM/MAIG. I will be going there later this morning and will have the technician check it out.
I hope to be online from another SOLE in Hyderabad itself at the time of your session tomorrow, but hope to speak to the children who come to your session when I visit the school.
Take care,



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